Visit Somerset


Accessibility Statement

Visit Somerset  believe in access to information over the Internet for all. This Accessibility Statement provides an overview of the accessibility features we have implemented on this website. If you have any questions regarding the accessibility of this site, please let us know. Emailing the Visit Somerset team at 

Standards Compliance

All pages on this site are valid XHTML. All pages on this site follow most of the W3C's WAI accessibility guidelines, and comply to the UK's Disability Discrimination Act.

Navigation Aids

All pages contain a sitemap.



Please be aware that some links may open in a new window. Visit Somerset makes every effort to ensure that we only link to reputable websites, however no liability is accepted for the content and information contained on linked websites, or reliance upon information contained on them.

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Further to our initial developments - Visit Somerset has incorporated 'Text Speak' with further socially inclusive tools, so many more opportunities are available for minority groups so many more normally socially excluded people, can access information from the many pages that Visit Somerset has.

Visit Somerset's vision is that Somerset should be welcoming of all and we are committed to not only leading but helping make changes that will help the county become more socially inclusive.

Visit Somerset is working with Compass Disability in the county, the leading authority on disability in Somerset. They can be contacted on -

Address: Unit 11-12 Belvedere Trading Estate, Taunton, TA1 1BH 
Tel: 01823 282823 Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Text: 07568 109960
Minicom: 01823 255919
Fax: 01823 351790



Supported by GWR Trains


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