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Somerset Wildlife Trust, 34 Wellington Road, Taunton, TA1 5AW
A gentle meander alongside Blackbrook and around the pleasant Hamilton Gault Park in Taunton.
A gentle meander alongside Blackbrook and around pleasant Hamilton Gault Park. The stream is a traffic-free route for wildlife in and out of the town, including otters and water voles. Come out on a summer evening and watch bats flying above your head catching insects. Start: Blackbrook Business Park Blackbrook Park Avenue TA1 2PX Terrain: Tarmac (with optional dirt path) Walkers need appropriate footwear Distance: 2.6km (with optional 500m point of interest) Approx time: 25-30 mins Download your free copy HERE
Blackbrook Meander Somerset Wildlife Trust34 Wellington RoadTauntonTA1 5AW
T: 01823 652 400
Twitter: @SomersetWT?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
Instagram: @somersetwt/?hl=en
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