Whether it be marketing support through social media and newsletter developments, foreign domestic tour operator outreach, or membership engagement - Visit Somerset will now be supporting, The Stay in Bath and The Bath Self Catering business agenda.
Helping your memberships on this journey will be the team members below who you can contact at any time.
Toby Jones - toby.jones@visitsomerset.co.uk
Toby is our Digital Manager
Toby is in charge of all business and consumer newsletter developments and all back end web operations for Visit Somerset.
Toby also deals with membership engagement through our new Sheep CRM system.
Maisy Hatcher
Maisy is our social media manager and
controls social strategy across
Visit Somerset and Stay in Bath
and Bath Self Catering Instagram, Facebook
Twitter and Linkedin.
Our total reach across all channels is 61,500
So if you have any news or views please let Maisy know.
Libby James
News and Events manager
Libby updates all our festivals, events and news for all sites including Visit Bath City, Visit Somerset, Stay in Bath and Bath Self Catering. If you have any queries or festivals and events that you want us to include across our portfolio of digital operations please contact Libby.
John Turner
CEO Visit Somerset
John will be overseeing all operations whilst
ensuring that both associations are given support
in looking ahead. Whilst managing PR opportunities and membership data bases. John is also developing relationships with the West of England Council Authority and Bath University to gain access to funding to help further development both Stay in Bath and Bath Self Catering web platforms.
Giles Adams
Chairman and Membership Director
Giles, Chairs and supports Visit Somerset's Board,
whilst overseeing all membership for Visit Somerset.