Business in Somerset
Knightstone Campus, Knightstone Road, BS23 2AL, Weston-super-Mare
Weston College is an award winning, Ofsted outstanding college of further and higher education in Weston-super-Mare. We provide education and vocational training to nearly 30,000 learners across the country.We work with thousands of businesses across the region, in several sectors to create bespoke training solutions that help businesses grow.
We will work with you to establish your business needs, and there are a number of training options available to you and your organisation when working with us. Some of these training options include: assistance with upskilling existing members of staff, pre-employment traineeships, apprenticeships, and we can assist you in the recruitment process.
We are one of the top-performing Colleges in the country and offer award-winning teaching and support. Our progression routes are wide, starting at Entry Level and going through to Level 7 (Master’s Degree), meaning that your staff can become highly qualified using just one training provider.
What puts Weston College ahead of other training providers is the quality and uniqueness of our provision, which is supported by dedicated and often award-winning facilities. We continuously invest in our courses, lecturers, assessors and teaching spaces, and consult with businesses to ensure that our provision is teaching the sector-relevant skills that will allow them to prosper through the creation of a highly motivated and skilled workforce.
At the college we have a number of state of the art facilities which are available to hire. We have rooms that are suitable for smaller occasions and can also accommodate almost 1000 guests in our newly refurbished Winter Gardens Pavilion.
Weston College Knightstone Campus Knightstone RoadWeston-super-MareBS23 2AL
T: 01934 411 411
F: 01934 411 410
Facebook: @westoncollege/
Twitter: @westoncollege
Weston College
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