Somerset Industrial Archaeological Society

The Baptist Church, Silver Street, Taunton, TA1 3DH

20 Jan - 14 Apr 2025


Is interested in all aspects of the industrial history and heritage of the County of Somerset

Somerset Industrial Archaeological Society

Monday January 20 - live at Silver Street - 19:30 - Adrian Webb - Churchill’s Secret Chart Makers. Dr. Adrian We tells the wartime story of Churchill’s Secret Map Makers in the UK Hydrographic Office in Taunton. and their preparations for D-Day.

Monday February 3 - on-line via ‘Zoom’ - Keith Hodgkins - Black Country Transport in the early 1960s. Keith Hodgkins recalls Black Country Transport in the 1960s and illustrates a world of trams, canals, road transport, and railways during a time of rapid change.

Monday February 17 - live at Silver Street - 19:30 - Lynne Mayers - Kennal Vale, the most successful Cornish Paper Mill? Lynne Mayers describes the Kennal Vale Paper Mill and ponders whether it was the most successful mill in Cornwall.

Monday March 3 - on-line via ‘Zoom’ - 19:30 - Tim Bryan - Iron, Stone and Steam, Brunel’s Railway Empire. Tim Bryan describes Brunel’s achievements and innovations.

Monday March 17 - live at Silver Street - 19:30 - AGM and Quiz. Catch up on all of SIAS’ back-stage happenings, enjoy some light refreshments during the interval, and then either team-up or go solo in a light-hearted and informative quiz presented by Peter Burnett and Chris Cooper.

Monday March 31 - on-line via ‘Zoom’ -  19:30 - Ben Sumpter - Tin in Antiquity. Mine explorer Ben Sumpter searches for the sources of antiquital tin.

Monday April 14 - live at Silver Street - 19:30 - Rick Stewart - Arsenic production in South-West England. Mining Historian Rick Stewart examines the region’s production of the notoriously toxic heavy metal.

Opening Hours

Talks are held at Silver Street Baptist Church, Taunton or on-line via 'Zoom' on Monday evenings at 19:30 from September to March. They cover a wide range of topics. At Silver Street there is also a free-of-charge Book Exchange and SIAS publications are on sale.
MEMBERS OF SIAS : There is no charge to SIAS members for any live or on-line talks.
GUESTS are welcome and are charged £3, payable at the door for live meetings at Silver Street, or in advance via the PayPal button.
The link to on-line 'Zoom' talks will be sent by email on the day of the talk.



Our hybrid programme consists of physical meetings at Silver Street Baptist Church, Taunton, and online ‘Zoom’ meetings, which are designed to cater for participation by members and speakers from further afield, and those who find it difficult or impossible to attend live meetings.


Somerset Industrial Archaeological Society
The Baptist Church
Silver Street



Facebook: @SomersetIndustrialArchaeologicalSociety/?locale=en_GB

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