New Website Developments as Visit Somerset digital platforms accelerate on performance

19 Sep 2020

New Website Developments as Visit Somerset digital platforms accelerate on performance
Dear members,

Shortly you will be able to advertise all community news through our 'community support network', under 'Discover Somerset' and our new 'Community' pages.

This whilst launching a new employment service supporting all members advertising of recruitment vacancies, through the Community page's.

Work is due to start shortly with our friends at the 'Somerset Farmers Markets' towards launching an online virtual market for one day a month, with the Somerset Farmers Markets.
This development will play a bigger part of further online E Commerce development to come in the near future.

Visit Somerset SEO results keep growing positively with organic traffic continuing to see positive growth at current + 26% and Direct Traffic +144% up on the year.
More incredible digital developments are coming shortly in support of our Visitor Economy. 

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